Land Summary Report

Block Details

Block Name: Tumu Kaituna 14

Block Id
Block Area
MLC District
Management Body
Tumu Kaituna 14 Ahu Whenua Trust
Total Owners
The land block information used in this tool was last updated in February 2017.

Land Use Capability

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Land Use Class
LUC Class Area (ha) Percentage
2 7.4 3.1%
3 12.2 5.1%
6 195.8 81.6%
8 24.5 10.2%
LUC Description
1 Suitable for crops. Most versatile multiple-use land.
2 Slight limitations for crops. Good versatile land.
3 Moderate limitations for crops.
4 Severe limitations for cropping or cultivation. More suited to specific crops, permanent pasture or forestry.
5 Unsuitable for cropping. Negligible limitations to pasture, grapevines, tree crop, or forestry.
6 Productive pastoral hill country, slight to moderate limitations or hazards to pasture, tree crops, and/or forestry.
7 Severe to very severe limitations or hazards for grazing with intensive soil conservation measures, more suited to forestry
8 Very severe to extreme limitations, requiring permanent vegetative cover and protection, unsuitable for agriculture.
Sub Class Percentage
6s 74%
8e 10%
6w 7%
3w 5%
2w 3%
Erosion (e) is significant to the capability of the whenua, because if the soil is permanently lost through erosion the whenua will take many years to develop new soil.
Wetness (w) that can present an issue to land capability include: waterlogging due to a rising water table in wet periods, perching of water above a layer preventing water moving through it and flooding.
Soil (s) limitation can be due to shallow soil, stones, rock outcrops, subsurface pans in the soil leading to a low soil water holding capacity, or a low fertility/trace element deficiency or a chemical toxicity.
Climate (c) limitations include the number of growing degree days, first and last frost timing, average rainfall, evapotranspiration rates and rainfall distribution, exposure to damaging and salt-laden winds.

Land Cover

Land Cover Area (ha) Percentage
High producing exotic grassland 183.1 76.2%
Low producing exotic grassland 17.3 7.2%
Production exotic forest 16.8 7%
Herbacious freshwater vegetation 9.6 4%
Gravel/bareground 3.2 1.3%
Sand and gravel 2.6 1.1%
Gorse and or broom 2.4 1%
Inland water 1.7 0.7%
Urban 0.2 0.1%
Land cover is the classification of what is covering the lands surface. Generally this will be vegetation classes. Land cover may often imply something about land use but this is not certain.

Soil Properties

Profile Readily Available Water

Description Area (ha) Percentage
Low 239.9 100%
Profile readily available water is a classification of profile readily available water for the soil profile to a depth of 0.9 m, or to the potential rooting depth (whichever is the lesser).

Potential Rooting Depth

Description Area (ha) Percentage
Very deep 220.3 91.8%
Shallow 19.6 8.2%
Potential rooting depth describes the depths to a layer that may impede root extension. This may be due to penetration resistance, poor aeration or low available water capacity.


Description Area (ha) Percentage
Well Drained 220.7 91.8%
Poorly Drained 19.6 8.2%
Soil drainage is a classification of the extent to which a subsoil is waterlogged during an average year. Soil drainage is important for the supply of oxygen to the plant root zone, waterlogging, and water drainage.

Particle Size

Description Area (ha) Percentage
Sandy 220.3 91.8%
Loamy peat or litter 19.6 8.2%
The proportions of sand, silt and clay in the fine earth fraction of the soil except in the case of skeletal soils.

Rock Outcrops and Surface Boulders

Description Area (ha) Percentage
Not rocky 239.9 100%
The percentage of the area covered by rock outcrops or surface boulders.

Phosphate Retention

Description Area (ha) Percentage
Low 220.3 91.8%
Medium 19.6 8.2%
Phosphorus is a key nutrient for the successful growth of crops and pastures.

Depth to Slowly Permeable Horizon

Description Area (ha) Percentage
No Data 220.3 91.8%
Depth 0 - 0.44m 19.6 8.2%
Depth to a slowly permeable horizon describes the minimum and maximum depths (in metres) to a horizon in which the permeability is less than 4mm/hr as measured by techniques outlined in Griffiths (1985).

Land Summary




High Suitability


High Suitability


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